Data Breach vs Ransomware

Do you know what sets data breach vs ransomware apart? Do you hear these words but do not know what is one or the other? Well then, this article is for you. So, read below.

Data Breach vs Ransomware

A data breach is when a third party obtains the private information of an individual without their consent, and this can happen in two ways, either physically or digitally. It can be as harmless as someone breaking into your house and stealing your possessions or information, or it can be as devastating as someone hacking into your bank account and transferring all your money to their account. And this is where the similarities end.

An attack by ransomware is when a hacker encrypts files on your computer and asks you for money to give you the key to unlock the files. They bring up screens that look like FBI warnings claiming they have identified you as a criminal and telling you that you have to pay a fine within 72 hours. The ransom amount often depends on what you value most, whether it be money, reputation, etc.

If you are not sure whether it is a data breach or ransomware attack, several things will help you determine it. Firstly, if they are asking for money then it is a ransomware attack. Secondly, if they want to give back the encrypted files then it is probably a data breach because they only want the money for personal gain rather than political gain. 

And lastly, if they are trying to destroy information rather than trying to obtain it then it is likely a ransomware attack because hackers are not after money but rather after destruction. If you have come across any of these attacks or know about them then do not just sit there waiting for the worst to happen. Instead, take precautions because prevention is better than cure. How?

Avoid Data Breach and Ransomware

Several things can help prevent these attacks. Firstly, use anti-virus programs that scan each file before loading them onto your computer or onto your network to prevent hackers from copying and pasting their malicious code into your computer and gaining access that way. 

Another way of preventing these attacks is by not opening emails from unknown senders or emails with attachments from unknown senders because most of the time these attachments contain malicious codes which let hackers gain access to your system without even coming near your computer.

Lastly, back up all of your data on an external hard drive so if anything happens like a data breach or a ransomware attack then you will still have all of your important work safe and sound on an external hard drive somewhere else other than your computer. However, you should make sure that this external hard drive does not connect to your network and instead connects via USB.


As you can see, data breach vs ransomware are two different things, but they are both equally as harmful to your computer and your data. So, to protect yourself from both of them, make sure you do not open emails from unknown senders and follow the tips mentioned above.

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