Houzz Data Breach

Houzz Data Breach.

Last 2018, there was a data breach in the company. 

This is a website that contains architectural buildings and designs. They are an online community that is based in California. 

You can get inspiration on how you can design your own home. It gives more ideas from professionals. 

But, just 2 years ago, they suffered from a data breach. It suffered the website. 

In this article, we will know more about this news. At the same time, we will figure out the reason why it happened. 

We can take a lesson on what to watch out for and avoid this as well. 

Houzz Data Breach

As mentioned earlier, you can find professionals who can beautify your home. 

You can find the ones you need by category in there. This is to ensure that you will have a coordinated theme for your home. 

Or if you are just looking for a good design, you can also refer to the website. 

Unauthorized Third Party

Some user data was hacked on the website. When they discovered what was happening, they immediately took a look at what is going on. 

They could not do it on their own. They also went to the authorities. Since this is a legal case, they also had their assistance. 

Also, they reached out to the customers. They are the ones that must have been the victims of the data breach. 

So, they need to make them aware of what is going on. They can also be alert on the matter. 


While it is still ongoing, they were given the assurance that some private information was not affected. 

So, they were not exposed. The hackers could not use it in an illegal transaction. 

It is more of the information with regards to the company. They are the ones who are already public. 

Even though they are mostly public information, they still need to be alert about it. Because they might use it in the wrong way. 

Also, they will be able to save the name of their company. As well as the trust of those currently using it. 


They took it as an opportunity to upgrade their security system. 

They restructured their international marketplace workforce. Through this, they will be able to avoid the same unauthorized third party.

At the same time, they will have something to assure their customers. They will know that they are safe when hiring professionals in the company. 

Also, they reported it immediately to the authorities. This is a wise move, especially when doing a legal case. 

If they did not do that, it may have bigger damage. At the same time, a big loss on their part as a company. 


Houzz data breach is a lesson learned. Maintenance also means minding the updates from time to time. 

It will help when it comes to choosing the software that is still useful. Also, getting away the ones that should not be in the system anymore. 

So, you will serve in a successful way.

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